Thursday, February 1, 2007

You're kidding, right?

I have a problem with the mailman today.

He brought a very disturbing piece of mail. A letter from the fine folks at AARP, who are reminding me to register to receiving my benefits from their fine organization now that I've reached their membership age of 50!

Hello, can we say they're about 25 years too early? I think I'm offended.

I need to back up though. Because this isn't the first year I've gotten this friendly reminder to apply for my membership benefits from them. The first "reminder" came when I reached the big 2-5.

I laughed because here I was, celebrating a quarter of a century of living and these folks are reminding me to going the "American Association for Retired Persons." Retired? Really? Cause last time I checked, you had to work before you retired and I had a full 2.5 years in the working world.

I forgot about the "reminder" promptly. Until it showed up in my mailbox again last year. I ignored it again, figuring they'd get the hint.

And I figured they finally got the picture and realized that I was years away from being eligible for their organization since their annual letter didn't show up in my mailbox on my birthday this year. Yeah, turns out it was just a week late.

So to the fine folks at AARP, I'm sure you have a wonderful organization and offer great benefits from folks who are 50 and older. But since I haven't even reached three decades of life yet, why don't you just keep my name on file and get a hold of me in, oh say, another 33 years.

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