Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Apparently 526 is more than 450

I was shocked.

I've never done that before. Surely it was their fault. There's no way what this piece of paper was telling me was true.

It's not possible that I went over my allotted minutes for my cell phone. I've never done it before. Heck, I don't think I've ever been close to my minute allotment before. But that's what my bill was telling me. Telling me that, in fact, I went 76 minutes over my minute allotment, leaving me with a cell phone bill of $81. Quite a jump from the normal $45 I usually pay.

So I scoured the bill, looking for some error that Verizon made.

There were no errors. The overage charges were my fault.

In looking at the bill, I didn't actually talk more this month than in past months, I just decided to talk earlier in the day. And it came and bit me in the butt in the form of an $81 cell phone bill.

And it's all due to my poor minute management skills last month.



Krista said...

OH MY GOD the same thing happened to me this month, too! Except I went, like, 121 minutes over, or something, and my bill was $139 instead of $60! UGH.

I think it's a Verizon conspiracy this month.

Badgergirl said...

Verizon is out to get us.