Saturday, March 7, 2009

A reading recap

It took me over a month, but I finally finished a book in February. And not just one book, but two.

I'm on a roll people.

After a January that featured no completed books, I managed to finish two in February for 1,333 pages. Big number. I guess that's what happens when you decide to tackle Gone with the Wind. I've got a lot of reading to do before the end of the year if I'm going to reach 40 books though. Hopefully the recap will be longer in months to come.

Anyway. What'd I read? Take a look:

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Testimony by Anita Shreve

And if you're dying to know whether Rhett Butler really utters that famous phrase, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." in the book, take a look here. Might save you the effort of having to read 1,024 pages.


teacherwoman said...

Nice work with the reading...

you a big fan of Anita Shreve? I read one of her books, can't remember the name of it, and tried a second one but couldn't get into it...

Bethany K. Warner said...

Read Nick Bantock's "Griffin and Sabine" books. They are delightful, artsy, there are 6 of them, and they are all short! (like maybe 80 pages each.) That'll bump your total up. :)

Badgergirl said...


I think I've read one other book by Anita Shreve, I want to say it was "The Pilot's Wife." But it was a couple of years ago. "Testimony" was pretty good - about a sexual assault involving four students at a prep broading school told through the people involved in in the incident as they're looking back. It was a decent read. Not the best thing I've ever read, but not the worst.