All that's left for me to do is load my bike onto my car, stop at the gas station to put a little bit more air in the tires and point my car south to Pleasant Prairie, Wis. tomorrow where I'll go through all the registration and pre-race stuff.
What for you ask?
That whole triathlon thing. It's Sunday. As in 48 hours from now I'll be a triathlete. Unless of course I die during the race. But I don't think I will. At least I hope I won't.
There are so many emotions running through me right now. I'm scared. I'm nervous. I'm excited. You name it, that emotion is probably running through me right now.
As for the training that I did? Part of me feels prepared. The bike? Considering I've fallen in love with my new set of wheels, I'm pretty sure I'll be OK on the bike, except if the course is really hilly. I know I've put in the time at the pool. But there's still part of me that wonders if it was enough. The run? That's where I'm worried the most, which is odd since I ran a half-marathon in September. But I've been doing some major slacking in the running shoes, so 3.1 miles at the end of a triathlon could be a huge undertaking.
And let's not even talk about the uncertainty that's running through my head, mostly due to the fact that I've never even seen the course. So I don't know what kind of terrain to expect. Is it going to be hilly? Flat? A combination? I haven't got a clue. Looks like I might be scouting out the course tomorrow afternoon to ease those fears a bit.
I have a goal time in my head. But I'm going to keep it there. I've put the monster that lives in my head to good use, entrusting my goal finish time to him. My biggest goal is just to finish. Honestly, time doesn't really matter to me, especially since this is my first tri.
And then I remember to look at the big picture. That it's for a good cause, one that's affected my own family, breast cancer research. And it makes me feel good knowing I'm helping someone out in my own little way and that there are worse things that I could be going through other than a half-mile swim, 12.4 mile bike and a 3.1 mile run.
Good luck to all who are taking on the Danskin triathlon this weekend - including Danielle and Running Jayhawk and anyone else I may have missed!
You will be great. I'd wish you luck but you don't need it. :)
We're so proud of you! You're going to kick some butt :)
You're going to be great tomorrow! No matter how things throw down, just have fun. When you have fun, everything else will fall into place. :) See you out on the course!!!
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