I just don't go that often. I can't justify the price. And there are about a million other things I'd rather do that sit in a theater for hours watching a movie that I don't even know if I'm going to like. Besides, I'd rather rent a movie, or borrow it from the library. That way I can watch it when I want and in my comfy sweats.
But last night, I ventured out to a movie theater for the first time in a long time. Seriously. I think the last movie I saw in a theater was Finding Nemo. In 2003. When I was living in a completely different state. I'm not kidding.
Last night I stepped foot in a theater though. My friend Amanda from the 'burg came to visit and after we got some dinner we headed over to the movie theater to see Mamma Mia! I'd already seen the Broadway version of the show when it came to the PAC a couple of years ago, but I was game to see the movie version.
Besides, who can pass up ABBA tunes? Fun stuff.
The movie? It was good. Just like the stage version. Lots of good music. Lots of dancing. And who can forget about the many extremely good looking boys - including the fabulous scene where they're all outfitted in swim trunks, swim fins, goggles and snorkeling gear?
It was good. Worth the $7 I paid to get into the theater.
Now the movie theater popcorn? That I had a bit of a beef with. Not so good. And definitely not worth the $5.25 I paid for a small popcorn. Oh well. Maybe the next time I take in a flick at a theater the popcorn will be better.
It must be the weekend for people who don't normally go to the movies to go to the movies. I just got back from seeing WALL-E. I probably go to the movie theater about once a year. I was okay with the $6.75 admission, but when I got to the concession stand, I was reminded why I don't go to the show. I got pissed off when I saw the prices. $4.25 for a bottle of Lipton Green Tea? Are you kidding me?
Yeah, we paid $4.25 for a liter of water. Nuts.
Still, there is something to be said for seeing a movie on the big-screen. Going in winter is better, it's easier to smuggle in your own bottle of water then.
I don't usually care for heading to the theatres to take in a movie. I am so ADD that when I do watch a movie, I am usually doing some other stuff while lounging on the couch.
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