Let's just say when you're working long hours to make up for missed time at work for chiropractor appointments, coming home at night and sitting in front of a computer to blog isn't on the top of my list of things I want to do.
So I didn't.
Which means you get a double dose of a reading recap today. Go grab yourself a drink, because this is going to be long.
I read 13 books in May and June. I finished six in May and seven in June. I read 2,633 pages in May and 2,266 pages in June. That brings the yearly total to 40 books and 14,470 pages. Remember, I'm aiming for 77 books for the year and after six months, I've read 51.9 percent of my goal. I'd say I'm on track.
So what'd I read?
Inferno by Dan Brown
Love in the Time of Algorithms: How Online Dating Shapes Our Relationships by Dan Slater
Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich
Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich
A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin
The Selection by Kiera Cass
The Elite by Kiera Cass
The One by Kiera Cass
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
Four to Score by Janet Evanovich
High Five by Janet Evanovich
Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
Where You Are by Tammara Webber
And now for the brief reviews, complete with number of stars given out on GoodReads. Follow me here if you’d like a more timely update on what I’m reading, what I think and what’s been added to my to-read list.
Inferno by Dan Brown ****
Dan Brown puts lots of twists and turns into his stuff, so even when you think you know what's happening, you get surprised. The end did drag a little bit.
Love in the Time of Algorithms by Dan Slater **
It's about online dating. Parts were interesting, parts were just boring. Jumped around a lot.
Two for the Dough and Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich ***
These are just good summer reads. A few parts had me chuckling out loud.
A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin *****
Game of Thrones. I love these.
The Selection and The Elite by Kiera Cass ****
These were a re-read in preparation for the final installment.
The One by Kiera Cass ****
Nice way to wrap up the series.
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson **
I'd heard mixed reviews about this one. Once I started reading it, I almost quit. But I didn't because I had a policy where I don't give up. It had potential, but it got confusing at times skipping around to the different versions of Ursala. Just didn't enjoy it much.

Still like these
Burial Rites by Hannah Kent ***
Interesting read. A decent story about an Icelandic woman sentenced to die and her last days. Dragged a bit in the beginning, but it picked up over the second half.
Where You Are by Tammara Webber ***
Eh, it was OK. I didn't have high expectations. I generally don't have a problem with YA, but this was really young adult-y in my taste.
And there we go. I've caught you up on my reading progress. I have no worries about finding stuff to read right now. In true library fashion, about a million holds came in all at once, so I've got quite the stack sitting on my table. And that doesn't even include all the unread goodies that are sitting on my Kindle. So many books. So little time.
What are you reading?
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