A month ago, my Dad asked me if I was going to be running the Sole Burner 5K, a local race that benefits the American Cancer Society. Even though it's been held in my hometown for as long as I can remember, I've never actually run it. I volunteered at it, but never run it. I've wanted to though since cancer has impacted my family.
So when Dad told me his company (one of the sponsors) was paying for registration for immediate family, I jumped at the chance. A race that supports a cause I care about and free. Sounds good to me. I ended up talking my Dad into walking the 5K. It was a manageable distance for him since he walks 3 miles a day about 4 or 5 times a week. He signed up.
As the race approached, Dad started getting nervous though. See most of the course is flat, but in the last 1/2 mile, there's the Hill of Hope, which is supposed to serve as a reminder to keep cancer patients in mind since they face an uphill battle while treating the disease. The Hill of Hope is what my Dad was freaking out about.
Race day dawned cold and dreary on Saturday morning. Someone must have made Mother Nature mad because it was down right chilly Saturday. And wet. Thankfully the snow that was falling Friday night (yes, you read that right) melted once it hit the ground.

When I got to the runner's area, I didn't even attempt to get into the street with the rest of the runners. It was packed. Which shouldn't have been surprising since 7,500 runners and walkers turned out for the event. I stayed off on the grass, waited for the gun and just fell in with the rest of the runners when people started moving.
The first mile was crowded and congested, but thankfully people started to spread out once we hit the College Avenue bridge about a half-mile in. Once running on the bridge, I was able to settle into a nice, steady pace. It felt easy. Garmin Gus chimed when I hit the mile marker: 9:46. Huh. Not to shabby for a first mile.
I kept running. The rolling hills started during Mile 2. But honestly they weren't bad. I was still keeping a steady pace, still feeling pretty good and still managing to pass a few people every once and a while. Garmin Gus chimed at the mile marker: 19:50ish. I'll take it.
At this point I thought maybe a new PR would be in my future, but I didn't forget about the Hill of Hope that was coming up in less than a mile. I had a nice gradual downhill portion of the run into the flats and then ran along the river for a bit. It was a bit windy down here and I admit, I toyed with taking a very brief walk break to get ready for the hill, but ultimately decided not to. I kept running and there was the hill.
I was determined to own that hill. I pushed myself. Made myself run up it and push the pace. I knew it would hurt. I wanted it to hurt. Because people who are fighting cancer have it much tougher than running up a hill.
I ran.
I owned the hill.
And then was looking at the finish line in 2 blocks. My legs were hurting, but I refused to take a walk break. Not that close to the finish line. I got a block away and could see the red flags. I saw Mom and my sister-in-law and 2/3 of the Rugrats on the sidelines cheering. I threw in a nice finishing sprint.
Then had to come to a dead stop at the red flags where the finish line corral started. I hit the stop button on Garmin Gus then waited for what seemed like forever to get through the corral. Once through, I glanced at Gus: 31:25. Honestly I didn't think much about it.
I walked back down the block, stopped briefly by Mom and then headed back down the Hill of Hope to wait for my Dad. Maybe I was spacing out, maybe I didn't see him (it's hard to pick a person out of the crowd when EVERYONE is wearing the same T-shirt). But after about 45 minutes I was starting to get worried. Maybe Dad was keeled over on the side of the road, because it shouldn't be taking him this long.
Well all of a sudden I heard my name. There's Dad. Walking downhill toward me. Huh? I never saw him walk uphill. Apparently he did see me, yelled out my name and kept walking - he didn't want to break his stride mid-way up the hill. Hardcore my Dad is. So we walked back up the hill, met up with Mom and stuck around for the awards ceremony.

Of course, according to the "official" race results, I finished in 32:50. Apparently you weren't "officially" finished until you made it through the finish line corral. A corral that I honestly stood still in forever.
What do you think? Can I claim the new PR based on Gus telling me I had traveled the 3.11 miles when I hit those red flags (I didn't do much weaving at all during the course)? Or do I have to go by the "official" results that accounted for me standing still, waiting for 2 volunteers to collect tags off the bibs (even though the race was chip timed)?
I'm leaning toward using Gus's time.
Oh and Dad? He ended up finishing the 5K in 45 minutes, 32 seconds. Not bad.
Nice job on the race. I can't believe how cold it must be there.
Hi, I was there too on Saturday--my first 5K ever. I would say you can use your Garmin time. That is what I am planning on doing (although, heh, I guess ANY time is my PR), because I, too, got stuck in that corral forever.
Loved your writeup of the experience, and WTG on the PR!
Congrats on the PR (YEP, it counts!) and way to go, Dad!
It is totally a PR! I can attest to the finish line being crazy packed and I wasn't even sure where the actual finish was. They definitely need to change that in the future. I ended up just walking the entire thing with my family, but I totally had urges to start with the runners or just randomly start running. Although, that was nearly impossible because we were in the thick of the walkers :( Congrats on the PR!
did you change the background of your webpage? it's so pretty! i love scrolling down "among the clouds" :)
congrats on your PR!!!!!!!!! that's so tough when the "official time" is different than garmin time. i think you can definitely claim your garmin PR :) with pride :) and next time you will just have to beat your own "official" time, too :)
Congrats to both you and your Dad on an awesome race! I'm super anal and only use the official race results for my PR times, but if Garmin says you set a PR then you probably did!
Take the PR. You have it on your Garmin and should celebrate it!
you claim that PR, my friend. Loud and proud. Nice job!
You might frame your Dad's race number along with a pic of the two of you from the race. He did a great job too and I'm sure would love to have the memory captured.
That is great!! Awesome job on the race and Congrats on the PR! Glad your dad did well too!!
Claim that PR! Great job and congrats to your dad too.
Yes, it most definitely counts as a PR! For non-chip timed races I take my Garmin time, and thanks to the snafu at the finish I think you can do that here too. Congrats!!
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