
Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm putting it out there: Half Marathon No. 2 is in my sights

So I spent some time this weekend bringing the ol' blog into the year 2010.

Added the Tall Mom 1,000+++ Mile Club logo. So it can act as a daily reminder of what I got myself into. And I'm a bit behind already, but I'm hoping the miles will start to add up as 2010 gets a bit older.

And I finally got rid of the 2009 race calendar. Figured those race days have come and gone and it's time to look forward to what's in store for me in 2010.

So what exactly is looming on the calendar for Badgergirl this year? Some local 5Ks and more triathlons. I'll be revisiting the scenes of the crime at High Cliff, Trek Women's and possibly push myself for the Olympic distance Oshkosh tri in August.

And that could be a good year. But I also uttered the words "half marathon" a few days ago. And a bunch of you took notice. So I guess it's time to fess up. Come clean.

I'm 99.9 percent sure I'm running the Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon on May 16. The only thing that's holding me back? I haven't registered yet. But I intend to do it within the next few weeks.

I've done one half marathon in the past. Back in September 2007 just over a month before The Monster decided to invade my head. I wanted to tackle the half marathon distance again in 2008 but physically? I just wasn't up to it. I was weak. And stamina? Couldn't find that if my life depended on it. So I put my dreams of a second half marathon on hold. I hoped to do one in 2009, but while The Monster had been kicked out of my head, it was really a rebuilding year. Getting back into a groove with running. Trying to reclaim my love of running long distances. Heck, trying to run longer distances again - it took me until last summer to log my first 4-miler since The Monster. And anything resembling speed? It wasn't there. And I was OK with the idea that there would be no 13.1 mile distance for me in 2009. I focused on triathlons. And had a good summer.

As the year started to wind down, I started thinking about what I wanted to tackle in 2010. I knew I wanted to tackle the triathlons again. And make my half marathon return in September at the site of my first, and only, half marathon - Fox Cities.

But September is a long time away. And even the triathlons were a ways out - the first big one taking place in mid-June. And I started thinking. Well, the Oshkosh 5K? It's held at the same time as the Oshkosh half marathon. I could potentially skip the 5K and tack on an extra 10 miles. But it's in mid-April. Kind of early. And Oshkosh? Yes, I live here. But do I really want to make my half marathon return in a city where I run these streets daily? So I kept thinking. And my mind kept wandering to a city about 45 minutes north of here.

Green Bay.

And I liked the idea. It's a half marathon. It's in mid-May. That means most likely better weather, plus an extra month to train! It's a bigger race, so even if I'm super slow, I probably won't be the last runner to cross the finish line. And did I mention part of the last mile is run through Lambeau Field? Um, where do I sign up?

So I've made my decision. Green Bay it is. Now it's just time to start pounding the pavement and logging the miles. Wish me luck.


Looking for some kind of headband? Head over to Happy Runner Giveaways & Reviews for a great Bondi Band giveaway!


  1. So I feel like I've been commenting a lot here, but I get really excited sometimes haha. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to do the Cellcom Half too! I'll be done for the semester and will hopefully be able to make it back for a week or two before summer classes start. I would love for my first half to be on "my home turf". I also haven't registered yet, waiting to see if I will be able to go home and such, but I'm hoping I can.

    And HOORAY for another person running that!

  2. That sounds like a good half!

    Glad you are feeling strong enough to tackle one again/

  3. Awesome, awesome, awesome! I look forward to following you in your training for this half marathon!

  4. Oh, I so wish I lived closer because I'd run the GB half with you. There is nothing like Lambeau Field!!! Your year looks great.

  5. stick around triathlons long enough and you'll end up running more half marathons - as the end of a half ironman! it is my new favorite distance now.

  6. I like the new 2010 "look" of the blog. Sounds like big plans coming up. YAY for another half marathon!

  7. since you asked it was a little bug but it was stuck in my throat forever, GROSS!!

    Congrats on picking a new challenge.. Thanks for posting the logo :)

  8. Way to tackle the half marathon again!

  9. i am biased b/c i ran my first half in may but i think it is the best month for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need to take the plunge and sign up for my "mostly committed" races, heh..

    hooray for new calendar, tall mom 1000+ club, and ramping it up in the coming weeks. good luck!!!

  10. Green Bay sounds like a fine idea. You could travel even further and do Fargo 1/2. Flat (but windy)

  11. I "found you" through Krista's blog...Just wanted to say that I ran the GB Half last spring and loved it! I've registered to run it again this year. The course is great and that part about running thru Lambeau thing is a huge bonus! :) Have fun training and good luck!

  12. SOoo exciting! I can't wait to read about your journey and what you think about the Green Bay half!

  13. Yay for a spring half! It will definitely give you motivation to train over the next few months!!
