If they are, I think I need to find one. Not for me. For my bike.
Because tonight I headed out for a ride after work. I really should have gone running, but it was nice, non-windy day and my bike was calling my name - because unlike my bike, I have a name.
So I hopped on and took off. And 2 miles into the ride, I glanced down at the little computer thing I have attached to my bike and was surprised. My bike and I? We'd traveled 100 miles together. And even though I've been sick for a few weeks, those were some good 100 miles. Some were windy. A few were chilly. But mostly, they were enjoyable miles that didn't seem like 100 miles.
But it still didn't have a name., even though we've now officially logged 108 miles together.
So as I continued my ride tonight, I got to thinking about names.
Did I need to come up with a name for my two-wheeled friend? We get along, but honestly, I'm still not even sure if it's a boy or a girl. I'm leaning towards it being a female though. Just because there are some fancy looking flowery designs on it.
The next question. Do I go down the whole alliteration pathway and try to come up with a witty, meaningful name that starts with a "B," since my bike is blue? Or do I just avoid that because it's a bit cheesy?
I guess I'm stuck at this point. I'll still toss around names in my head as I ride and hopefully I'll come up with something. Because I bet my bike would feel a lot better if he/she could cross the bike finish line at the triathlon next month and have an identity.
Of course, maybe the challenge of the triathlon will help steer me in the right direction towards a name. I dunno. I'll let you know.
I've named by car Shadow, so you should absolutely name your bike. I'd come up with something cheesy like Sky Flyer, but I know you'll find just the right name for it.
It's a gorgeous color, BTW.
Believe me, I have wanted to name my bike for a while now but waiting for something "semi-witty" to come to me. It might be a while.
I was told by other cyclists that people usually name their bikes with a name from the oposite sex. Just passing on the info I got from others!
Opposite sex...hmm. That might make the naming process a bit easier.
I'm going to keep thinking about it. And if I ever come up with a name, I'll be sure to introduce him to you guys.
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