
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. So I've got a half marathon in 9 days, but I also get to squeeze in another race before that! Saturday is the Sole Burner 5K, a race in my hometown that's a big American Cancer Society fundraiser. Last year it was the first 5K my dad did (he walked and then trotted into the finish line) and he's been excited to come back for a repeat performance. He's got his goal and of course I've got mine. Yes, I could take it easy (after all I'll have to tack on an additional 6 miles afterwards), but there's a part of me that really, really wants to turn in that sub-30 5K that I've been chasing for a year. And this year? I think I might have a shot. Decision made. I'll be racing the 5K, shooting for a sub-30 finish time. Even if it is 29:59.

2. A big shout out to my two training buddies Amy and Peggy who are running the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon in Indianapolis this weekend! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

3. I should not be allowed to purchase Red Vines licorice at the grocery store. Can. Not. Stop. Eating. It. So good.


  1. I'll be running the Sole Burner with the No Boundaries group I'm coaching. Hope to see you!

  2. The Sole Burner was the first race I ever ran! It is definitely a HUGE race with a HUGE hill! ;)

    Good luck on the sub 30. You can so do it!
