
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Even if I had a road map, I was still Lost

I'm not a big TV watcher.

My Must See TV Schedule? It consists of two shows. Count 'em. Two. Grey's Anatomy and 24. Not hard to remember. And this season? It was only one show since 24 never even started due to the writer's strike.

I used to watch more TV, but then I realized there were so many other things that I could be doing with my time. Things I enjoyed. So I dropped a few shows. One of them was Lost.

I used to watch it religiously. But then they did a crazy thing and went on something like a three-month break mid-season last year. And I was confused about what was happening on the island. So I decided to give up my weekly dose of Lost.

But now? I've found myself flipping through the channels and stopping when I get to an episode of Lost. And I find myself wanting to watch it. But I've missed so many episodes, if I wasn't confused before, I'm definitely confused now. And if I wanted to start watching it again? Realistically, I'd probably have to go back to the beginning.

Then I remember. It's summer now. I have a little bit more time. And the episodes? All four seasons of them are available online. So I could technically catch up in time for the new season to start in the fall. And then it would be like I never left the island.

So I'm toying with it. I printed out an episode guide tonight so that I can make sure I'm watching the episodes in the right order. I'm not aiming to finish watching all four seasons in the next two weeks or anything. I'm thinking a few episodes a week might be doable.

Because I never stopped watching the show because it stunk. I stopped watching it because it took a really really long break. And I got confused. And forgot what was happening and was just too darn lazy to refresh my memory.

My memory's calling for a refreshment though. And I think Lost just might be what I need to keep me occupied through parts of this summer.


  1. I just finished season 3 ... I got lost after the first season! Thankfully I got season 2 for a xmas gift and was able to watch the bulk of it during a road trip to Missouri. Go for it! I've got to find season 4...

  2. I made it midway through Season 3 before calling it quits. But I think I'm going to try it again. Because I liked it when it was actually on. It was just that big long break...

    And Season 4? If you have decent Internet access, it's online.

  3. Dave and I used to be obsessed with Lost til a.) we found a Web site with all these theories and realized we were out of our league, and b.) we lost ABC on our TV. Stupid reception.

    Anyhow. Too much brain work to get back into now.

    On the other hand, I'll totally take you up on your "27 Dresses" offer if it still stands. That's way easier to follow, I'm guessing.
