
Friday, August 28, 2015


It's been four months and my world has changed pretty significantly in that time.

It all started because I was offered a new job. Gone were my days of working in a newspaper newsroom. I'm still writing. Still editing. Still working with words. But it's in a new environment. There are new challenges. New co-workers. New topics. But a little over two months in and I like it. A lot. Pretty sure I made the right decision career-wise.

But the new job means a new city.

So I packed up my Oshkosh apartment and headed south at the beginning of June. To Madison. A city I've always loved and was super excited to move back to.

And of course, because a new job and new city weren't enough, my car died. So I've got a new set of wheels too.

I don't think there are any more major life changes that I can pack into a month. Well, a friend did mention I could add in a boy to the equation. We'll see what happens there.

I've found time to explore my new home on foot and by bike and am looking forward to more adventures. And then there were the running adventures that were already on the calendar before all these changes took place.

But that's for another time.

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