
Monday, August 31, 2015

Race Reports: Wisconsin and Cellcom Green Bay half marathons

Let's play a little catch up.

Because even though my life was undergoing some major changes, I still had races on my calendar for the summer. I ran them, although not particularly well, but I ran them and had fun.

Wisconsin Half Marathon

So first up was the Wisconsin Marathon in Kenosha on May 2, I headed down to Milwaukee Friday night to crash at my friend Erica's place. I remember having problems deciding what to wear - short sleeves? Tank? Tank and arm warmers? I went with the tank and arm warmers, shed the warmers by Mile 2 and tossed them to a friend at Mile 5.

I don't remember much about the race itself. I ran with Erica for the first 4 or 5 miles and then we split apart. I always had her in sight thought, which was good, since I finally caught back up with her around Mile 9. We both looked at each other, realized both of us had stopped sweating miles ago and we just decided to shut it down and walk it in. It had gotten REALLY warm during the first 9 miles of the race. Like sunshine, not a cloud in the sky and warm temperatures. And water stops were really far apart. So we pulled out the "run to the stop sign" and then walk method.

It was a nice course and well organized event. I just wasn't ready for the heat in early May. And I may have been a tiny bit undertrained.

Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon

Oh Green Bay. I missed you in 2014. Stupid teenage girl who couldn't wait 10 more seconds at a stop sign.

Another half marathon, another race where weather was troublesome. The first 5 miles were brutal. No wind. Sunshine. No clouds and warm. A struggle-fest from the get go. Thankfully some clouds appeared and the wind kicked in for the second half.

They got rid of the industrial park this year. Yay!

Otherwise, I finished. That's all.

That takes care of May.

Up next: Ragnar.

Friday, August 28, 2015


It's been four months and my world has changed pretty significantly in that time.

It all started because I was offered a new job. Gone were my days of working in a newspaper newsroom. I'm still writing. Still editing. Still working with words. But it's in a new environment. There are new challenges. New co-workers. New topics. But a little over two months in and I like it. A lot. Pretty sure I made the right decision career-wise.

But the new job means a new city.

So I packed up my Oshkosh apartment and headed south at the beginning of June. To Madison. A city I've always loved and was super excited to move back to.

And of course, because a new job and new city weren't enough, my car died. So I've got a new set of wheels too.

I don't think there are any more major life changes that I can pack into a month. Well, a friend did mention I could add in a boy to the equation. We'll see what happens there.

I've found time to explore my new home on foot and by bike and am looking forward to more adventures. And then there were the running adventures that were already on the calendar before all these changes took place.

But that's for another time.