
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Three letters: DNS


As in, did not start.

That's all you really need to know about the Green Bay Half Marathon. But of course I'll tell you more.

Sunday I was supposed to toe the starting line for my fourth Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon. It's quickly become my favorite spring half marathon. I mean, who can argue with a race that finishes with a lap around Lambeau Field? After a lackluster spring training cycle - one with a few too many missed long runs and the cruddy weather - I knew I was prepared to "race" the 13.1 miles. But I knew I could finish it. So my goal was merely to go out, cover the distance and have a good time.

I never even got to the starting line.

Saturday I was in my car heading up to Green Bay to wander the expo, pick up my race packet, drive the new course and then meet up with friends for a pre-race dinner. I was driving. I hadn't even gotten 5 miles from my parents' house when it happened.


I found myself in a car accident. Long story short, I was driving (and had the right-of-way) when another driver pulled out from a stop sign and turned in front of me, hitting my car in the process.

So instead of heading up to Green Bay, I watched my little blue Focus get loaded up on a tow truck and hauled away. And I was left pretty sore and stiff in my back, neck and chest. Obviously in no condition to run 13.1 miles the next morning.

I pulled the DNS. It's only the second time I've ever done it (the other was Thanksgiving 2010 when it was pouring rain and I didn't want to get sick 2 weeks before Rock n Roll Las Vegas). And I'm not going to lie, it was hard seeing all the happy Tweets, Instagrams and Facebook posts of happy runners after Green Bay. Still stings a bit.

But I'll be back in 2015 for a lap around Lambeau. And if anything, it should give me the kick in the butt I need to have a decent training cycle for my fall races. No faking it for me this fall.

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