1. We had a few days of gorgeous weather. And today? It's in the 50s, cold, kind of windy and rainy. I didn't have a gym bag with me. And in decent weather, I would have just run a couple of miles in the rain. But did I mention it was cold and windy too? So I made the executive decision to skip the run. And I was OK with that.
2. Is it odd? I still haven't fully recovered my running mojo, I have a half marathon in just over a week that I'm pretty unprepared for and yet I'm somewhat psyched to put together a training plan, stick to it and get ready to rock a fall half? Oh, it is? Well. I guess I'm odd then.
3. First I've got a 5K this weekend, the Sole Burner 5K, one that I've done the past few years with my family. Too bad the weather is supposed to be utter crap. Oh well. I'll run the race, hopefully tack on a few extra miles afterward and then I'll be able to count it as a last "long" run before Green Bay.
Good luck in the 5k! We've been in the 60's and raining all week long, and today it's getting up to 87*. Then tomorrow back into the 50's. fun times.