
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Racing plans for the spring

After a lackluster December and January, I think I'm finally back on track to running with some regularity. Well, if you don't count the last week.

I guess that's what happens when I plunk down some cash and register for a race. Knowing there's a date on the calendar where I have to line up at a starting line and run a specific number of miles, regardless if I want to or not.

For me, it's two dates in the spring.

In April I'll be flying out to Raleigh, NC to visit my BFF Jess and run the RunRaleigh Half Marathon with her. It'll be Jess' second half marathon and my first time seeing her since she moved out to NC a little over a year ago. Needless to say I'm excited. I've decided to use the race as a supported training run, a way to get the miles logged and an opportunity to pound the pavement for 13.1 miles with a dear friend. We've already had the discussion. There will be no worries about time (although I might try to help her get a new PR). We won't feel bad if we slow down to walk. Heck, we won't feel bad about running slow. We just want to go out, run the 13.1 miles, and have a good time.

I can't wait.

My goal race for the spring is the Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon in late May. It'll be my fourth year in row that I've done this race. Needless to say, I kind of love it. I mean, who wouldn't? You get to run through Lambeau Field! I'm just crossing my fingers the wind and heat that has plagued this race the last two years doesn't return.

My only other spring plans are the Sole Burner 5K that I do with my family every year in mid-May. And of course, Ragnar Chicago in June. I toyed with throwing in a third half marathon, the Wisconsin Half Marathon in Kenosha in early May, but after a lot of thought, I decided against it. Not only would that get pricey, but I really wonder if my super busy spring schedule last year was part of the reason why I ended up dealing with the nasty IT band issue the second half of the year last year. Really don't want to go through that again.

While I have gotten back into a routine and have been logging my runs, I have been struggling with my long runs. February was a super busy month, especially weekends. Two weekends where I ended up working (dang sturgeon) and those were longer than expected work days, meaning I didn't get my runs in. But now that it's March, I'm planning on getting back on track and logging those weekend miles, even if it kills me.

And there might be just a tiny bit of a bribe hanging over my head today. I've told myself, if I run my 6 miles, I can treat myself to Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II that comes out today. What? It's just a little motivation.


  1. AMEN!! I can't WAIT!! There are not enough exclamation points to get across my excitement!!! LOL :)

  2. It sounds like you have a good schedule of races! My husband and I are going to be in Green Bay too! It will be our first marathon. I can't wait to read about all of your races and training!

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