2. After a spring and summer of running in unseasonably hot weather, I had to do a double take when I first saw the weather forecast for race day. Ten days out, I figured there was a good chance the weatherman was wrong, that it would change and we'd be running in 80s and humid. Guys. It didn't change. A high of 57? Instead I'm left rethinking my race day outfit. I have a feeling shorts and tank will be a bit chilly at the starting line when the temperature is maybe going to be 40. Can't tell you how excited I am to run in this kind of weather!
3. So goals. Of course I've got them. If I hadn't eased up on the mileage and the number of runs per week this summer due that pesky IT band injury I've been dealing with, I might have more aggressive goals. But the IT band happened. Some runs were missed. Some miles were cut. But I think I still had a decent training cycle and there might be a season-PR in these legs. Especially given the conditions.
A Goal: Sub-2:19. This would be a new overall PR for me. Everything. And I mean everything, including a fully cooperating IT band, would have to be perfect on race day for this to happen.
B Goal: Sub-2:25. This is what I was aiming for a the Madison Mini last month with Katie. And through 7 miles it was possible. Then the IT band got cranky. But I think part of that was due to the hills. Fox Cities? Unless you count two bridges, it's pretty flat. I think this is doable.
C Goal: Sub-2:30. This would give me my fastest half marathon of the year. I'd be happy with that.
D Goal: Have fun. Don't die.
Woo! I'll be sending good vibes to you! And the day before I will be yelling at the Badgers for you.