
Friday, April 13, 2012

What have I gotten myself into?

I apparently have a problem saying no. The result? I may have overbooked myself over the next month and a half and functioning on June 10 it might be a miracle.

Relays. Half marathons. A 5 K. And, oh yeah, helping plan a party and celebrate my parents' 40th anniversary. Oh boy. Here's what's in store:

Run Away to the Bay, April 14 (as in tomorrow)
I'm losing my relay virginity with four of my good running buddies. 10 legs covering 55 miles from Oshkosh to Green Bay. And of course there's a finish line party in the shadows of Lambeau Field and the party will continue in the evening as the girls and I have a sleep over in Green Bay. Can't wait.

Oshkosh Half Marathon, April 22
When planning a spring race schedule I was planning on skipping this event, even though the starting line is literally 3 miles from my apartment. But I've got to run 13 miles this weekend anyway and I got a sweet deal on the registration fee. So it's hard to say no. Just hoping the weather's better than it was last year. If Mother Nature decides to be cranky and give us rain, snow, sleet and wind again, there's a possibility I'll just skip it.

Road trip to Columbus, Ohio, May 3-6
Peggy and I are hitting the road for a trip to Columbus, Ohio to visit our friend Jeff. While in Ohio there will be....

Capital City Half Marathon, May 5
One of the main reasons we're driving to Ohio. And to see Jeff of course. 13.1 miles through the city The Ohio State University calls home. Yes, this Badger is going to be sporting some Bucky Badger gear. I may get things thrown at me, but maybe it will make me run faster. I think I'm ready. I hope I'm ready. But those 13 miles will be run and I'm sure I'll have a great time with friends.

Cinco de Mayo 5k, May 5
Nope. You didn't read that wrong. There's been talk of running a fun, festive 5K just a handful of hours after we finish the half marathon. What? It'll be fun. There's talk of costumes - running a 5K donning a sombrero - and honestly, the race info page had me at "free post race margaritas."

Sole Burner 5K, May 12
This has become a family tradition. It's also the site of my current PR. Wondering if I can shave a few more seconds off it again this year.

Parents' anniversary party, May 12
After the race, and adding a few extra miles, it's time to get ready to help my parents celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary.

Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon, May 20
There is no lap around Lambeau Field this year due to construction on the south end zone, but I'm still looking forward to what has become one of my favorite races. I'm looking forward to this year's race, just hoping my legs are still alive and have some life in them.

Ragnar Chicago, June 8-9
I get a few weeks off to recover before Ragnar. This will definitely be one of the highlights of my year. Can't wait to run 200 miles with some amazing ladies

Wow. Just typing that makes me tired. It'll be a busy, but fun, couple of weeks. Now I just need to survive. Wish me luck. I might need it.


  1. It will be crazy and fun. There will be points where you feel burnt out, just relax. I survived my insanity in Feb/March.

  2. Wow! Sounds busy but fun. I think my schedule is just about as busy for the same stretch, so I'll be in the same boat. Look at these events as the reward for your hard work & all those days on the treadmill. You'll do fine. See you in Oshkosh & GB!

  3. Think of it this way..there will be no excuse not to run!! I will be doing a relay at the Oshkosh half next weekend and the Sole Burner on May 12th. Maybe I will run into you there.

  4. Sounds like a busy time. Good luck with it all/

  5. Wow, Looks you are so busy joining those marathons. It is really great that we practice joining a marathon.

  6. You are one busy girl! Run strong and safe and do your best. Above all, enjoy it all.
