
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wait? I've got a race tomorrow?

Huh. So I guess I'm supposed to be running a race tomorrow. Could have fooled me.

I'm running the Oshkosh Half Marathon tomorrow morning. The weather man is still saying a chance of rain in the morning. Not thrilled about that. But it can't be as bad as last year, right?

I don't have the pre-race nerves. Maybe because to me this isn't really a race, rather than a long training run. See, up until a few weeks ago I wasn't even considering this race. But then I looked at my training schedule and saw I was supposed to run 13 miles anyway this weekend. And then I managed to snag a good deal on registration. And the starting line being 10 minutes away from my house. Well it was almost impossible to say no.

So I registered. Which means I'll be toeing the starting line tomorrow morning at 7 a.m.

But since it's a training run,  I'm not planning on going all out. Heck, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to go all out since the knee is still a bit cranky. So where does that leave me goal-wise? Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any goals.

A Goal: New PR. My current PR, set back at Fox Cities in September 2011, is 2:19. Honestly this will not happen. I'd have to give my bib to a Kenyan for that to happen.

B Goal: 2:25. Given it's a training run I'd be happy with this kind of result.

C Goal: 2:30. This is probably closer to where I'll end up. And probably the most realistic given my training and where I am.

D Goal: Just finish. Because remember, this is a training run.

There. Goals have been put on paper. Now off to the expo to grab my bib and meet up with Twitter friend @joel_aa to get some dinner. See ya at the finish line.


  1. Have fun tomorrow! Hoping that the rain holds off!

  2. Glad to stumble upon another runner's blog! I look forward to hearing how the race went :))
