1. I've spent a lot of time this week working on a story about concussions and youth sports. Makes me glad I didn't play football or any other contact sport (I played tennis in high school). Up next week? A homicide trial that will be fairly gruesome.
2. Since I'll be sitting in a courtroom all week I'm pretty sure I'll be needing to get out and run once my work days are over. Not only to stretch my legs and log the miles needed for my training plan, but to keep my sanity. Promises to be a bit of an intense week.
3. Races. Races. And more races, oh my! I'm already signed up for Runaway to the Bay (a 55-mile relay), the Capital City Half Marathon (in Columbus, Ohio), the Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon and Ragnar Chicago. I'm toying with doing the Oshkosh Half Marathon in April again just because it fits in with my training plan and it's so much easier to run 13.1 miles with hundreds of other people rather than solo. And let's not even talk about summer and fall. So many races that I'd like to do, just not sure which ones I can. Decisions. Decisions.
It's that time of the year again. More races, more races, more races. I just dove into that pool again this morning as well.