
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Want to run. Couldn't run. Must run.


This is what happens when I really want to run, but two days in a row I can't because of work. One day spent by the river waiting for a press conference leaving me with frozen toes and one late night meeting at work on a day when temperatures are hovering near 50 degrees in January. In Wisconsin.

And of course those two days I wanted to run. And I couldn't.

Hence the anger. Yes. I'm a bit crabby.

And just a heads up. If I don't get to run today? I will be a very, very, very angry Badger. We're talking Honey Badger levels of anger. Won't be pretty.


  1. You should be all like: "Honey Badger don't give a shit about work! Honey Badger needs to RUN."

    Hope you get out there today!

  2. Ha, I was totally on the Honey Badger train too!

  3. SUCK. Especially with this nice weather. Here's to hoping you get one in tonight!
