
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. I went for my first post-Fox Cities half marathon run tonight. It was perfect running weather - cool enough for long sleeves, but still comfortable in a pair of shorts. Loved it. When I headed out I wasn't sure how far I was going to go. I wanted to see how the legs felt and my one toe on my left foot has been bothering me this week, it's some combination of a blister and bruise. But the legs were feeling good when I hit two miles, so I tacked on an extra mile. It was nice to not worry about pace or time and just run tonight.

2. Granted even if I wanted to care about pace, I couldn't. I ran the run naked since my Garmin was dead. It was low on a battery Sunday, so I hooked it up to the charger. And today? I couldn't even get the thing to turn on. Hmmm. Is my Garmin dead? Nearing death? Was the lack of audible beeps at the mile intervals a warning sign? Thoughts?

3. A belated recognition of a momentous occasion here on the blog. Sometime over the weekend, I believe it was the Ironman Wisconsin spectating report, I posted my 1,000th post. That's a lot words that I've spewed forth on this blog. Here's to the next 1,000 posts.


  1. You probably just need to reset your Garmin. Not sure which kind you have, but here's the idea:
    Hope that helps!
