
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Three Things Thursday: Fox Cities Half Marathon Edition

1. So it's race week. Which means I've been antsy. And concentration has completely disappeared. I just want it to be the weekend so I can pick up my packet, figure out a plan and run my race. And of course the week has been dragging! Thankfully I thought ahead and took Friday off. But still. This has been the longest 4-day work week.

2. I've been light on the running this week. I skipped Monday to recover from my Ironman Wisconsin spectating and Tuesday it just got too late. I did get in 4 miles last night and plan on getting in an easy 2-3 miles tonight. Then? It's time to rest.

3. I'll be back with a separate post about race goals and looking back at my training. But rest assured, after the actual race itself? I've got the most important thing covered. An hour-long massage has been scheduled for Monday! Can't wait for that.


  1. I am running the fox cities too! Good luck...I think I need to follow in your footsteps and get a massage on Monday. Or maybe new running shoes :)

  2. So excited for you! Fox Cities is such a wonderful race course. I'm so sad not to be running it this year...

  3. So it's been a busy week, but you've been slacking off? sounds like fun.

    Man today has flown by. it's not cool. I have too much to do.

  4. ooooooh! so excited for you and your race this weekend! Enjoy your taper and look forward to reading a race report filled with lots of success!!!
