
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Gotta have some goals, right?

So it's Race Day Eve.

Ideally I'd love to spend the day lounging around. Watching some college football, drinking some water. In general not doing a whole lot. But I don't get to do that.

Nope. Instead I've actually got a fairly lengthy "To Do" list. And some of it probably could have been tackled and accomplished on Friday when I took the day off. Oh well

For starters there's heading over to watch my nephew (who's in first grade) at his second football game. Well, it's more like mostly practice and learning the rules and a little bit of game. Then it's off to meet up with a friend for some race expoing and lunch. And the Badger game. But since it's not on TV (well, unless I find a bar with that particular sports package), I might just be listening to it on the radio. Throw in a team dinner and it's kind of a full day.

Oh yeah. I've still got to figure out what I'm wearing for race day. And should probably come up with a plan of attack for the race. While I haven't figured out a race plan, I do have some goals. And yes, I'll put them out there.

A goal: New PR, finish in 2:22. That's a 10:50 minute/mile pace. A lofty goal, but given the perfect conditions, feeling great on the run and having a stellar mindset, I might be able to do it if I leave everything on the race course.

B goal: 2:25. That's an 11:04 minute/mile pace. This is probably the more realistic goal. But still, it would be a fairly huge PR, besting my current PR by 5 minutes.

C goal: Sub-2:30. This would still be a PR. And I'd be happy.

D goal: Finish, don't die and have a good time.

Come on race day. I'm ready for you.


  1. GOOD LUCK to you!!! My mom is coming out to watch & said she'll make a sign for "BadgerGirl" so keep an eye out! :)
