
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Three Things Thursday: Tough Mudder edition

1. Guys, Tough Mudder is this weekend! I'm excited. And nervous. And a little scared. But mostly excited. Because while the course is going to be challenging, mentally and physically, I'm going to be doing it with a great group of people, including my favorite running buddies from the Fleet Feet group!

2. I still haven't decided what to wear during Tough Mudder. Given the amount of mud I'll be conquering, I don't want to wear anything too nice in case I end up ruining it. But I think I decided on a pair of bike shorts. And my old pair of Brooks Ghost 3s that got me through the wintry Oshkosh Half Marathon in April (because I'm anticipating those shoes do not survive Tough Mudder). Shirt? I haven't decided on that yet. Hair? I'm thinking two French braided pigtails with a bandanna. And the CamelBak that I got last weekend because it's still supposed to be pretty warm and I don't want to run the risk of dehydrating.

3. Speaking of the CamelBak. I bought it and it was after I got home that I realized I had just bought the version designed for kids. Oops. But you know what? It fits. It's the size I'm looking for. So I'm keeping it.

Bonus: My friend Peggy was looking for something to reassure herself (and indirectly me) that we weren't going to die on Saturday. She found this great blog post by David Shedd on Eastern Slopes. A great read. And I feel so much better about Saturday. But the chunk that really hit home for me?
"Sure, some people race it with the goal of making the Toughest Mudder 24-hour competition…good for them. For everyone else, it’s a race against themselves, a test of physical and mental stamina, a chance to get out of their cubicles and comfort zones with friends old and new."


  1. Good luck this weekend! I wouldn't bother with the camelbak. Too much risk getting the nozzles clogged up with mud. Plus some of the obstacles you might need to crawl on your back to get through.

  2. Have a great time this weekend. I agree with the above - don't worry about the camelbak. And next up: the GORUCK Challenge. Trust me.
