
Sunday, June 19, 2011

That's what I call a good weekend

That was a good weekend folks.

I started it out by helping my friend Jess celebrate her birthday on Friday night. I met up with her and some other peeps for a few drinks after I got done having dinner with my parents. Once we met up there were a few drinks consumed, some boys that were watched and many, many outfits that others were wearing that we critiqued. And it all ended with me staying up WAY past my bedtime. I can't remember the last time I was up until 2 a.m. And normally it wouldn't have been a problem but....

I had plans to go spectate at the High Cliff Triathlon on Saturday morning. And my initial plan was to get up at 6 a.m. so I could bike over to the race site (about 6 miles away) and avoid the traffic headaches. Well when my alarm went off four hours after falling asleep I decided to turn the alarm off for another hour. Well 7 o'clock came and went and I never woke up until 8:15 when a friend of mine called asking me where I was in the park. Oops!

After a quick shower I was off. After waiting for traffic control to allow me to park, I got to the park and met up with my friends. We were there to cheer on a friend's husband, who was doing his first 70.3. Obviously I missed the swim and he was somewhere out on the 56 mile bike course by the time I got there. Overall it was a great time cheering, not only for our friend's husband, but all of the other athletes who were out there tackling the 70.3 miles. And everyone was SO appreciative of the cheers they were hearing. Oh, and my friend's husband? He rocked his first 70.3, finishing in 5:40.

This is an event I've done the last two years (well, the sprint distance, not the 70.3) and I swear, the moment I got caught in traffic waiting for bikers to clear the intersection I was immediately wondering why I wasn't out there competing. And those questions in my mind ramped up once I made it into the park and throughout the day. But at the beginning of the year I made a decision (a hard decision) to take the year off triathlons and instead focus on the running. A decision I'm happy with. But still. That tri bug lingers a bit. Maybe I'll throw an unexpected tri onto the calendar later this summer. Maybe.

After heading home, I later met up with my friend Peggy and we went for a nice 15-mile bike ride and then had a good evening chatting on the patio with a few drinks. It was enjoyable getting a chance to hang with Peggy while we weren't logging running miles.

And today? Well today there was supposed to be a longish run (in the 7-8 mile range). But when I woke up it was pouring. And it continued to rain. Pretty much all day. And I just didn't have it in me to get on the treadmill and pound out the miles. So I didn't run.

But that will probably be the last unplanned rest day for a while. Because tomorrow? Training for the Fox Cities Half Marathon starts. And the training plan I got from the coach? A little frightening. More on that tomorrow.

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