OMG. Hood to Coast? So good. Amazing. Inspiring. Well worth the $12.50 I paid to see it.
Once the work day finally ended yesterday, I met up with my friend Jess to catch Hood to Coast. We had two options of where to go see it. We could make the half hour drive to Appleton or we could make the 5 minute drive to the west side of town. Since it was snowing and the roads were a little dicey, we ended up seeing it here in Oshkosh.
Since we didn't know what to expect for turnout, we ordered our tickets online. Just to make sure we'd get to see it. Turns out we probably could have waited. Eight people purchased tickets ahead of time. Yes. Eight. A few more people bought tickets at the door and by the time the lights went down, there were a grand total of 15 people in the theater. Obviously Oshkosh is not a run-crazy community.
I don't want to give away everything that happens in the movie, so if you want to know what it was like, just find a way to see it. Maybe will have it. Or Netflix. Or maybe you'll be able to buy it on DVD someday. Just make sure you see this movie.
I really liked the concept of following four teams throughout the relay, and I thought the filmmakers picked great teams to follow.While the team running with lightning bolts on their heads - the ones who "trained" by eating pizza and drinking beer instead of logging major miles - were humorous to watch, they weren't my favorite. I really liked the Dead Jocks. This was a team of masters runners, who were super intense about their running, yet still managed to have a good time during the race. And I think that's a big thing for me. Be serious about the goals you set (they were aiming for a top six in their age group), but still remember to have a good time. Because running is supposed to be fun.
Considering when I watched those final credits roll all I wanted to do was go outside for a run, I'd say it was a pretty inspiring movie. Definitely gave me the motivation I was looking for! Overall a great flick. And a good one to get me in the mood for spring half marathon training!
It was so fun!!! Thanks for the invite. It's definitely on my "must own" list!