
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. I been a bit AWOL in blogland this week. Both on the reading/commenting front and the posting front. But I blame it on the library. See they sent me an e-mail on Monday and told me there was a copy of Glee, Season 1, Vol. 2 waiting for me with my name on it. Even since the end of October when I finished up with the first half of Season 1 I've been waiting patiently for the next chunk. And now that I have it, I love it. The Madonna and Lady Gaga episodes were amazing. I've got 2 episodes left to watch of Season 1 before I'm done. Then comes the question. Do I wait until Season 2 is released on DVD, cross my fingers it's available somewhere on the Internet or do I just cave and order the season pass on iTunes? I'm leaning towards the iTunes option at the moment.

2. Even though I've been slightly obsessed with Glee I have managed to run. I went for my first run post-RnR Las Vegas on Monday. I didn't have any set plan as to how far I'd go. I just wanted to run to see how it felt. And you know what? It felt good! I ended up doing 6 miles Monday and a 4 mile tempo run on Wednesday. My legs were a little tired tonight, but I pushed through for an easy 3.5 miles.

3. It's weird not having any races penciled in my calendar at the moment. I've got ideas swirling around in my head though. Maybe after the holidays and I get my fill of Glee I'll sit down and write about a tentative 2011 race schedule. Maybe.


  1. Glee is amazing! I don't fault you for being AWOL while you're watching it!!! :)

  2. I think I'm the one person in the world who has not watched Glee. Sorry :(

    Good luck with the race goals...I'm sure you'll find some fun ones :).
