
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A reading recap

I know. I know. There's still technically 24 hours left in the month. Plenty of time to get some reading done. But in all honesty? I currently have no book in progress and unless I pick up a 50-page book, chances aren't so good that I'll actually be able to finish it by the time I rip another month off the calendar.

I did manage to read in September though. I finished five books for a total of 1,371 pages. Wait a minute. Did I just say five books? That's got to be a new monthly high for me this year. Let me check the records. Yup. The previous high total for books in a month was four in June. The last time I managed to read five (or more) in a month? December 2009 when I was trying oh so hard (unsuccessfully) to finish up 40 for the year.

But I got off track. So 5 books this month and 1,371 pages. That brings the yearly total to 26 books and 9,362 pages. That's a bit ahead of where I was at the end of September 2009 when I had finished 25 books and 8,828 pages. I'll take it.

So what'd I read in September? Take a look:

Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel
Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela & the Game that Made a Nation by John Carlin
Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris

Do you detect a theme? Yes, I'm still going strong on the Sookie Stackhouse series. Love them. Such quick reads. And interesting. And guess what? Tomorrow I pick up the next two installments from my local library. Needless to say there will be at least two books read in October.

The third one on the list, Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela & the Game that Made a Nation, is actually the book that the movie Invictus was based on. After watching the movie earlier this month, I knew I had to read the book. And while the book was interesting, I liked the movie a lot better. A movie better than the book? That's got to be a first for me. Oh and the Yann Martel book? If you're thinking about reading it, I'd probably skip it. Not as good as The Life of Pi.

So three months to go in the year and 14 left to read. I think that's a doable task. Especially since there are six more Sookie Stackhouse books on my "To Read" list.


  1. Aren't the Sookie Stackhouse books the best! I breezed through that series in a couple of weeks.

  2. I have been slacking on the reading. Just too many things to do and by the time I sit down, I don't really feel like reading. Maybe I need to find a good book.

  3. Let me know if you want to borrow the Sookie short story collection. I think you'd really like Charlaine Harris' other series, too.

