
Monday, August 2, 2010

Time to stop the slacking

Two months. Two months of limited running.

I really had no excuse. There was no injury. Sure it was kind of hot and humid. And a bit wet - thanks Mother Nature for that 11 inches of rain you gave us in July. And I guess I did put some focus into tri training for High Cliff and Trek Women's. But none of that is any excuse of my fairly infrequent running.

In a perfect world, I would have taken a week or two off to recover from the Green Bay Half Marathon in May. But remember, that was in mid-May. By June 1? I should have been back to a regular running schedule.

I wasn't.

So now I find myself in a predicament where I'm 7 weeks away - 48 days to be exact - from the Fox Cities Half Marathon on Sept. 19. And my longest run since Green Bay? That would be tonight's 4.6 mile jaunt on the treadmill.

But it's a new month. And I've got some new motivation - seriously when you see a number like 48 days staring at you, it'll kick your butt in gear. Starting today I run.

I've got an abbreviated training plan penciled into my calender. I'm aiming for 4 or 5 runs per week with a long run on the weekend. In a perfect world, I would hit 11 miles before half marathon day shows up. But I guess I'd be happy with 10 as well. As for a mindset approaching this half? I'm not out to necessarily hit a PR (although I admit it would be nice), but I'm going to approach it with an attitude that I'm just running it to have fun - which kind of sounds weird. Seriously, when was the last time I ran 13.1 miles for fun?

So that's the plan for the next 48 days. Regain my running mojo. Train for a half. And run it to have a good time (without dying of course). I'm putting it out there so I've got to hold myself accountable now. Help keep me on track guys!


  1. you will be so fine for your half in 7 weeks. and actually, I would run only ~ 4 times a week, to really make the different running count.

    you're gonna do fine!;-)

  2. I'm there with you when it comes to summer heat and humidity. I'd rather not run much when it is around. 48 days is enough for you to get ready, especially when you've done it before. Run, rest, repeat!

  3. Good luck building up that running mileage!

  4. I had a similar lapse after a half marathon last fall. Blame the winter weather, the Christmas deserts or just plain laziness...once I got it out of my sytem though, I was roaring to go. Sounds like your motivation is back, at the risk of sounding like an utter cheeseball ... Run with it!! :)

  5. You can definitely be ready in time for your half! Make August a kick ass month!

  6. You can totally do it! I agree with the 4 days - rest will be just as important as training - no injuries for you!

  7. Good luck! Can't wait to hear how you do in Appleton!

  8. I'll be doing a half marathon on a reduced training schedule soon as well. Haven't run since early May and not cleared to run until next weekend. :-(
