
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The last longish run before race day

Five days from now, it'll all be over.

The 13.1 miles will have been run. I'll have crossed the finish line. And I'll have survived. Hopefully.

But before I get there, I have five days to freak out. Of course it doesn't help that the last two weeks have been really really light on the running. And not due to cutting back mileage for the taper. Nope. More like cutting out mileage because I've been working insane hours and don't have time to run. Kind of makes me a cranky Badgergirl.

Tonight was no different. It was a frustrating day at the office and all I wanted to do was run away and escape. So when the clock struck quitting time (at a normal time for once!), I bolted. Out the door, in my car and over to the YMCA. I wanted to run. I needed to run. Ideally I would have logged this last long run outdoors, but Mother Nature had different plans. Decided to give us bone-chilling cold temps (for May), wind and rain. Not nice.

So I ran indoors on the treadmill. And let me tell you, it felt nice to hit start and just run. Zone out. Not think about anything and leave my frustrations behind during my 6.2 mile run. It was a good hour spent running to nowhere. I needed it.

That leaves me with just one more short run on Thursday before I line up with the other runners on Sunday. I'm excited. Nervous. Scared. And slightly freaking out. Because I still have so much more to do before Sunday. Namely:
  • Survive the rest of the work week
  • Figure out the play list that will get me through 13.1 miles
  • Decide what I'm going to wear
  • Compulsively check the weather forecast and pray that Mother Nature is in a good mood and gives us warmer temps, sunny skies and no wind. Right now it looks like she might be in a good mood.
  • Soak it all in
I've got some pre-half marathon thoughts rolling around my head that I will touch on later this week. For now? Let the freak out begin.


  1. Don't freak out too much - you are ready and you'll do great!!!

  2. I'm right there with you, trying to stay calm for this weekend!!

  3. Your work week sounds as though it's going a lot like mine. My Monday alone required and 11 mile zone-out run just for me to clear my head afterward. Hope the rest of the week works itself out and you rock your race!

  4. I'm glad you got a chance to get in to the zone and escape all the (work) craziness.

    Race Week Taper craziness is so much more fun!

    You are going to have an awesome race and I'm looking forward to reading your race report!

  5. You've done the work and now you're ready to roll - it's going to be great!! Hang in there.

  6. you've put all those miles in the bank. Time to cash 'em in with some speed! good luck girl.

  7. You are going to do great! Good luck this weekend!
