
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. I got an e-mail from the folks over at Apparently my blog's been chosen to be listed in their directory of triathlon blogs, although I did spy a bunch of running bloggers in their directory that I read regularly. Made me feel kind of important when I read their e-mail. Go check their site out, pick out some new blogs to read. I know I will.

2. But given my lack of reading blogs this week, maybe I shouldn't find any new blogs to follow. Seriously. I've been a bad blog reader this week. My Google Reader? The number of unread posts is nearing triple digits. Heck, by the time I post this post, it probably will be triple digits. And since I'm not reading, I'm not commenting. Hopefully this weekend I can catch up.

3. My Dad signed me up for a race. The Sole Burner 5K is held the first weekend in May every year in my hometown and it benefits the American Cancer Society. I've never actually run it, although I have volunteered for it. I was having dinner with my parents last weekend when my Dad asked me if I was running it. I said I wasn't planning on it. Why? Apparently his work would pay for immediate family members who are running/walking the 5K and he wanted to know if I wanted to do it. Umm, free? You don't need to ask twice. So Dad signed me up. I tried to talk him into walking the 5K, since that's how far he walks a couple of times a week anyway, but I'm not sure if signed himself up. I'll let you guys know.


  1. Good to hear from you. I thought of you today when I turned around halfway through what felt like an "easy" run and realized I had been running with the wind at my back ;)

  2. How fun to do a free Race! So cool about the directory. No joke.. I have not been reading many blogs. I have to catch up.

  3. Great job on the speedy 5k! It really has been super nice out for running! A free 5k is awesome! Hopefully you can get your dad to do it! I always like having my mom walk in a race that I run!

  4. Whoops sorry I got confused on your post. Totally my fault. Obviously I am having trouble reading. Hope you have a great weekend.

  5. Nice on the blog recognition! I hope your dad does sign up for the 5K.... you'd have fun doing the race with him.

  6. I have 264 unread posts in my Google Reader. I think I need to give up subscribing to food blogs since they seem to average 3 posts a day!
