
Monday, March 1, 2010

Grumbling legs and a look back at February

The legs were totally rebelling tonight when I stepped on the treadmill.

Are you crazy? You just made us run 6.2 miles yesterday and now you want us to run again? Haven't you ever heard of a rest day?

Yeah, that's what they were screaming at me when I stepped on the treadmill tonight. But I didn't listen to them. The training plan said a 3-mile run was on tap today. And darn it, screaming legs or not, I was going to do the 3 miles.

And the legs apparently figured out it was a lost cause to keep screaming, because after an easy 1.5 miles, they felt pretty decent. So I played around with the speed a bit and when the numbers on the treadmill flipped to 3 miles, I was still feeling pretty decent, so I opted to throw in an extra mile.

Overall 4.1 miles in 42 minutes tonight. And aside from the initial unhappy legs, the run felt pretty good.


So February's done. Ummm, I'm still trying to figure out where January went. So let's take a quick look at the month.

Run: 55 miles
Bike: 29.5 miles
Swim: 0 yards

Oops. Totally slacked on the swimming. I'm going to change that in March. Really I am. And the biking went down a bit, but the run totals? Considering February only has 28 days and I pounded out 55 miles compared to 50.8 miles during the 31 days in January. I'll take that.

Let's take a look at the year:

Run: 105.8 miles
Bike: 96.5 miles
Swim: 338 yards

I'm a tenth of way towards the 1,000 mile running goal for the year. Yes, I'm still behind. But I'm hoping to catch up a bit this month. The half marathon plan has me running 70 miles this month if I follow it exactly. And well, I've never been too good at following it exactly. Take for instance tonight. I was supposed to run 3 miles. I ran 4.1 miles. Goals for March include getting back into the pool, upping the bike mileage again and sticking with the half marathon training!


  1. I'm behind on the 1000 miles too, but we'll get there!

    My legs have been saying very similat things lately. Way to get through 4 miles!

  2. Looks like a great month and congrats on that treadmill run... nothing like going longer than you thought you would!

  3. Well done for February! That month went by so fast! I have been slacking on my swimming too but I needed a break from it. The next time I know I will be sucking wind...err water I guess while I try to swim more than one lap at a time! i seem to really only enjoy swimming in the summer (plus the pool is 50 meters instead of 25 yards)

  4. You know, I have found that moving my legs, whether it's bike or running, the day after a long run or heavy lift session is a nice way to loosen up those muscles! Way to go!

    And your stats look great!

  5. I feel March will be the month many peeps will be back in that pool. ;-)
    i want spring already!
