
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. Looking forward to my first date with Gus on Saturday. The plan calls for a 4-mile run and since it's supposed to be nice, I'm heading outside with Gus. Even though I could probably have my first meeting with tomorrow since I don't go into work until late. But during my run tonight on the treadmill, my left ankle and left knee area were a little tender. Hmmm. Not good. Hopefully a rest day will cure it.

2. Of course replacing my running shoes will probably also help. It's long overdue. Just waiting to get my tax return. Shoes and Green Bay Half Marathon registration. That's what I'll be doing when Uncle Sam gives me some cash.

3. Sunshine. Not only was it sunny out today but Badgergirl's blog got some sunshine sent her way from Suzy and MCM Mama. I'm supposed to pass the sunshine along to 12 other blogging buddies, but it's been passed around quite a bit this week. So if you haven't been tagged, consider yourself tagged.


  1. My DH took my *Gus* out for it's first run today...(my schedule had me for a swim/weights), and he luved it.
    so looking forward to trying him out this weekend.;-)

    i'm sounding like a threesome over here!

  2. have fun on the run with Gus! I am hoping to get outside this weekend too! No more treadmill!

  3. Enjoy your first Garmin run this weekend!

  4. yay for tax returns. i'm super lucky- my sister's husband is an accountant so he does my taxes every year. i always get him a thank you gift,... it is just not something i want to worry about and nice he will do it.

    GO GARMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You are going to love the 305. It is so nice to be able to get out a just run and not worry about measuring out a course beforehand.

    Great investment choice...

  6. I am hoping to get outside this weekend too! No more treadmill!

    Work From Home
