
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Running away from the work week

I kind of hinted at it yesterday, but it's been a very, very long week at work.

Laptop in hand, I temporarily moved my office into the courthouse this week for a couple of big court cases. Unfortunately that meant long days spent on really uncomfortable courtroom benches. And those long days meant I was usually drained by the time they were over, meaning I had no energy to make it out for a run.


But today the courthouse madness came to an end and my three-day weekend began. And even though it was another long day, I dragged myself over to the YMCA after work (it was raining out) to get in a run. I needed it that bad.

I stepped on the treadmill not really knowing how far I was going to go. Or how far I'd be able to given the fact I barely ate all day and my last run was a week ago. But I put one foot in front of the other and started running. The first half mile? It was hard. But I kept plugging away. I did what I've been doing the last few weeks, playing around with the speed, gradually getting faster. The first mile passed. I kept going. Mile 2. Then I was at Mile 3. Was starting to get a bit tired, but I felt OK. So I kept going and at this point was running a sub-10 minute mile.

Finished up with 4 miles and it felt good. Nice way to get the legs moving a little bit, especially since I've got the YMCA Freaky 5K on Saturday morning (with the weatherman saying there's a chance of snow/rain). I think the race gets its name from the hills I'll be running. They'll freak me out a bit since the city I live in is as flat as a pancake!

And tonight I started mulling a race possibility at the end of March that would require travel. Hmmm. Never to early to start thinking about 2010.


And it's getting cold outside so check out Tall Mom on the Run for a sweet giveaway!


  1. Hm, I did something very similar today, only I was running from life in general :)

    Are you doing the 5 miler for the Turkey Trot? I"m gonna do the 2 ... hopefully it won't snow, cause I don't have the proper attire for that :)

  2. I haven't decided yet. I'm the Thanksgiving Day reporter, so I'm not even sure if I'll be able to run at all. Depends what kind of assignment they make me do, if any. Am toying with the 5-miler though. I'll let you know.

  3. glad you got a good run in. i've been having a long week too.
