
Monday, November 17, 2008

Turkeys. Santas. Who needs a calendar?

I think somebody's got their holidays a bit mixed up next week.

I'm running in a Santa Scamper on Tuesday. It's just a one-mile "fun run" type event before the annual Christmas parade in Appleton.

Then on Thursday, just two days later, I'm running in a Turkey Trot. Appropriately named since it does fall on Thanksgiving Day.

But the last time I checked, Thanksgiving came before Christmas. So shouldn't I be trotting after turkeys first and THEN scampering after Santa? Don't blame me if I get my holidays confused after this. Blame the race organizers.

I dunno. What I do know is that I've already got the Santa Scamper hat, which might be useful since I have a feeling it might be a bit chilly next week. And after I get done trotting, I'll have a new long sleeved T-shift in my possession. AND a pumpkin pie, which I'll promptly take with me to my cousin's house for Thanksgiving. Because I don't like pumpkin. If it was a chocolate pie, now that would be a different story.


  1. LOL! That is some great schwag though...Hey try the pumpkin pie with whip cream. I hated it before then someone made me try it served that way. Darn them (pumping fist in air) now I like it. Like I needed to like more pies.

  2. Alice and I are turkey trotting, too!

    Only we'll be walking. And starting two to three minutes behind everyone else, with all the other stroller folks. Sigh.

    And yes, I'm only doing it for the pie. :)
