
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The pills come in all different pretty colors

I spent a couple of hours wide awake last night.

Not because I wasn't tired. No. Instead I thought I'd spend the time hacking up a lung and blowing my nose. About 120 minutes worth of precious minutes I could have spent sleeping. Because I was tired.

Once I finally got back to sleep, the time flew and all of a sudden I needed to get up for work. And I felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck. My head? It throbbed. Probably due to the hacking up a lung activity in the middle of the night. The hacking congested cough? It was still there. And I was still coughing up that nasty greenish looking phlegm. And my nose? Still stuffy.

I was this close to calling in sick. For the second time in a week.

But I went to work. On the way I stopped in at Walgreens and stocked up on drugs. Some cough medicine to help with the hacking and another box of Sudafed for the congestion. And then I promptly drugged myself up once I sat down at my desk. It was a nice drug cocktail that also included some painkillers and Tylenol for my headache.

Eventually I started to feel a little better, but the hacking continued throughout the day and I think I went through a good chunk of my Kleenex (my poor little nose, it's getting a bit raw and making me look a tad like Rudolph).

I'm just sick of being sick. I know I shouldn't complain since I went all winter without getting sick, but of course now that it's nice, I get the big cold. And I'm worried it'll take forever to go away, especially since my doctor has informed me I essentially have no immune system due to the head fiasco in December.

For now, I'll just keep drugging myself up and crossing my fingers I feel better soon.


  1. My first summer in O-town, I lost my voice and got a whopper cold during EAA week! I didn't call in sick... but at least you don't have to try to talk over jet engines right now...

  2. Today I sounded like a frog. The people I called on the phone were probably a little confused.
