So I'm supposed to a run a 5K tomorrow.
But there's a chance I won't. Because the weather forecast? It doesn't look so pretty. Possible snow. Rain. And let's not talk about the temperatures in the 30s or the fact that it's going to be super windy.
Doesn't sound like weather I really want to run outside for 3 miles in.
And it doesn't help that since I was sick in December my immune system has gone to pot. Meaning I get sick really, really easy. Add the crappy weather and the chances that I get sick if I choose to run tomorrow are probably pretty high. And since I've gone most of the winter so far without getting sick, I'm tempted to stay snuggled in bed if there are raindrops pouring from the sky tomorrow morning.
So ask me around 7 a.m. and I'll be able to tell you if I'm going to line up at the starting line to run a 5K. Yes, I'll feel bad if I don't. Because I want to run and I have registered. But at least my company paid the registration fee, so it's not like I'm out the cash.
Ugugugug. I don't know what I'm more sad/mad/upset about - my shin or the weather. I'll call you in the morning. :) At least we're in it, meaning our decision, together.