
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I couldn't slack two days in a row

I'm happy to announce that I made it to the YMCA after work today.

And I ran, logging 3.1 miles on the treadmill.

It felt good, being able to come home, record the number of miles I ran on the Excel spreadsheet and then uncap the bright yellow highlighter and make it known that, yes, I did complete the workout scheduled for Day 2 of my 12-week triathlon training program.

Now I just have to take advantage of the gorgeous weather we've been having. Because winter has apparently left Wisconsin and spring has arrived. And me? I'm still running on a treadmill. And I don't like it. So at some point this week, I'm lacing up my sneakers and will attempt my first outdoor run of the year. And hopefully it will go smoothly and it'll give me some motivation to start increasing the mileage a bit. Because I feel like I'm stuck at 3 miles.

Like I said though. Today I ran. Tomorrow? The bike is calling my name.


  1. You're seriously my hero for attempting a triathlon. Seriously.

    I'm aiming for a 5K after this baby thing is over with. But a triathlon? That's hard-core.
