
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

He looked into my eyes, but my camera kept rolling

And on the third day, everything lined up in place.

The weather was beautiful. The sounds of gunfire pierced the air. And I could have left work at a normal time.

Note the could have. I would have too. Except my boss handed me a video camera, said the overtime was OK and told me to go and stand with the throng of gawkers who were waiting for their chance to get an up close peek at Johnny Depp when he did a meet and greet along the rope line when shooting for "Public Enemies" wrapped for the day.

He's not my favorite actor, but it'd be pretty cool to get a chance to see Johnny Depp up close. So I said OK and I armed myself with a point and shoot video camera before heading out with two co-workers to secure a spot along the line.

Then we waited. And waited. And waited some more.

Three and a half hours later I found myself videotaping Johnny Depp as he walked along the line. He was like two feet away from me. And since I'm a multi-tasker, I was able to film him, touch his jacket and tell him "Thanks."

The video looks kind of neat, very "Entertainment Tonight" looking. I think I got some good stuff. Up close and personal. And Johnny Depp even spoke! Granted it wasn't directly to me, but you could hear him talking. And he's very soft spoken, which surprised me.

And while I can multi-task, I would have needed a third arm to man my digital camera to get photos. But my friends have promised me copies of theirs, so at some point you'll not only be able to see the moving images of Johnny Depp, but also photographic proof.

So it's been a good week. The assignments have been fun and I've even gotten the chance to see Johnny Depp up close. Which was all I really wanted to do. Because while watching filming from a block and a half away is interesting, it's also pretty cool to be able to say that you were two feet from Johnny Depp and you got to touch his jacket while he looked at you.


  1. I don't think I'd say it was magical, but it was pretty dang cool. And I'm sure the video is awesome, too.

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