
Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy birthday to my niece. And her cat?

I'm pulling birthday party duty tonight.

The oldest Rugrat? She turns 6 tomorrow and her party is tonight. Meaning in a matter of a half hour or so, I'll be pointing my car north and heading to her house, gift in hand.

But the party isn't all about her.

It's for her cat, Ollie Twinkle, as well.

Yes. I'm going to a party for a cat. Turns out Ollie was born the same day as my niece. So she's celebrating. Because it's her cat. And she's serious. I had to get a gift for the cat (I choose some milk and cheese flavored cat treats) and Ollie's name? It's even on the birthday cake - which is i the shape of a cat. Or so I hear.

Looking back, maybe Ollie has reason to celebrate her first year. After all, The Middle Child did stick her down the heating vent. And the youngest, who I like to refer to as the Hellion, he pushed her off the basement stairway railing, causing Ollie to fall 14 feet to the basement floor. Ollie survived both incidents. No injuries. But honestly? Ollie isn't the brightest kitty cat.

And while it's also her party, I'm guessing I'm not going to see Ollie tonight. Turns out she had a trip to my niece's school planned for this morning's show and tell. And Ollie? She doesn't like large numbers of strangers. So after a bunch of kindergartners this morning, I'm guessing she stays in the basement tonight. Even if it means missing presents.

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