
Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm ready to cast my vote

It's voting day tomorrow.

And I think I've finally made up my mind.

It's taken me a little while to decide. There isn't a particular candidate that I'm gun ho about. I had it narrowed down to two candidates, and yes, I hemmed and hawed about which one I would end up marking the box that's next to their name. But honestly, there are just a few too many things about Candidate A that don't sit well with me. So I can't check that box.

At some point tomorrow I'll be making my way to the polls. And I'll check the box next to Candidate B's name. And I think I'll be happy with my decision. Because I like a good chunk of the things Candidate B stands for and I think they could be a good president.

And if Candidate B isn't an option in November, then I'll have this same problem. But that's November. It's still February and last I checked, Candidate B was an option. So that's the box I'm going to check.


  1. I hope Candidate B is a real leader with vision for the country, and someone who can inspire ordinary citizens to the extraordinary.

    And someone who doesn't want to send our sons and daughters to a 100-year war with Iraq.

    That's all :)

  2. I just got back from voting, and ran into Terri on my way in. My choice for candidate was pretty easy, and made more so by the constant barrage of pre-recorded phone calls I've gotten in the last two weeks. Jace giggles after these calls, because I pick up the phone, hear the start of the spiel holler "F&$% Off" to the voice and then hang up.

  3. Well said sister. I have know idea who you are referring to, but that is okay! :) Have fun with voting... every vote counts!
