Here's another numbers post. This time the magic number is 900.
As in, that's now the amount of anytime minutes I have for my cell phone.
That's right. Today I had to go to Verizon and upgrade my cell phone plan. Mostly because for the second month in a row I went over my allotted 450 minutes, and that doesn't take into effect the free night minutes I get. For that matter, most months I was coming awfully close to my 450 minutes, I was just lucky and stayed under the bar.
But last month? Over. And my bill, which is normally about $45, skyrocketed to $70. This month? I was already over with about a week left in the month. Who knows what the bill would have come to. What I did know was that I had to high tail it over to Verizon and tell the phone people that I needed to increase my minutes. Because when extra minutes are 45 cents, that adds up really quick. And the phone lady I dealt with was nice, she made it so my 900 minute plan took effect at the beginning of the month. Which means, no overages for me in December.
So now the lucky number is 900. And that's a number I think I can stay below. Unless I start talking non-stop.
FYI, I'm glad you're back at it and doing well. I missed you.
ReplyDeleteSomehow, I don't see you as a non-stop talker...
ReplyDeleteUm, i bet it's because of that dang he-devil...
I miss you. And BKW. And Manda. Tear.
Yes, the he-devil receives partial blame.
ReplyDeleteI once had a he-devil. I payed an extra $80 (yeah, that wasn't the TOTAL. That was EXTRA.) for September. But he's gone now. And my bill is reasonably manageable since adding Unlimited Text and some promo with free nights and weekends. Score.