
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I was always told to say please and thank you

Tomorrow's the day most turkeys fear: Thanksgiving.

Although I like most holidays, Thanksgiving is one of my favorites. I get to enjoy turkey and mashed potatoes while surrounded by my family. And this year? Add in some Green Bay Packers. It makes for a good day.

I admit though, I'm not a fan of the entire Thanksgiving fest. Cranberries? I'll pass. Yams? Yuck. If I have to I'll eat some green beans, but my vegetable of choice is corn. The mashed potatoes and gravy is yummy as is the turkey (but I'll take some white meat, thanks). For desert, you can kept your pumpkin pies. I'll take a slice of the chocolate.

I know, it sounds like I'm an incredibly picky eater. And in some cases, I am. But I've gotten better. Besides, I never promised I was an equal opportunity eater.

But the holiday isn't just about the food or the football or even being surrounded by family. It's about taking time to realize what you're thankful for. And I am thankful for a lot of things.

Here's just a few:
  • I'm thankful that I finally am living in a city close to my family.
  • I'm thankful for having a job that I enjoy.
  • I'm thankful I have a loving family who support me in whatever I choose to do, even if it's a crazy idea like running 13.1 miles.
  • I'm thankful for my friends, both the new ones I've made over the past year and the ones I've known forever.
  • I'm thankful for my upcoming four-day weekend.
  • I'm thankful for my health.
  • I'm thankful for warm woolen mittens.
  • I'm thankful winter weather has made its appearance. Don't hurt me, but I loved the snowflakes that fell from the sky today and the chilly weather. It's perfect weather for curling up under a blanket with a book and settling in for a lazy day.

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