
Friday, July 13, 2007

10 days and no plans...perfect!

For the past 4 hours, I have officially been on vacation. And for the next 10 days, I have absolutely no obligations and nothing that has to get done.

Well, I take that back, there is one thing that must get done - a doctor's appointment Tuesday - but other than that, I have 10 days to myself to do whatever I please.

And I can't wait.

I'm ready for a break from work. Ready for some "me" time, when I can decide what I want to do, when I want to do it. If I don't feel like getting dressed until noon, I'll do it. If for some crazy reason I feel like getting up at 6 a.m., I will. The next 10 days are all about what I want.

That being said, there are a few things I should do.
  • I really need to give my apartment a good cleaning. I've just been doing a kind of half-assed job the last month or two.
  • I should weed out my closet. I'm sure there are things in there that haven't been worn in ages and I could probably benefit from the extra space, and hangars.
  • My checkbook? Yeah, it needs to be balanced. Badly.
If I'm smart, I'd get those things done early, leaving the rest of my vacation to have fun and relax. At the moment, I don't have many fun things planned, but there's a few things I want to do.
  • My running shoes need to be replaced. Shoe shopping is always fun.
  • I think I might take a trip up to Door County, where I might rent a bike and take a ride through Peninsula State Park.
  • I might treat myself to a matinee viewing of the new Harry Potter movie.
  • I'll probably spend Thursday night at the racetrack, watching my cousin race at WIR.
  • There's a 5K I'm running Friday night in Kimberly.
  • Of course plenty of me time and time with friends is also included in the mix.
  • I'm hoping to sneak in a few nice rides on my bike. It's getting a little lonely in the garage.

And who can forget the running? Including Sunday's 6-mile journey.

Ahh, vacation. I love it!


  1. So jealous! I'm still working on my vacation plans for this year. Someday, I promise.

    Re: shoes -- you mentioned earlier that you're getting a lot of blisters. You might need a bigger size for running shoes. It sounds crazy, but my running shoes are a size and a half bigger than my everyday shoes. Enjoy shopping!

  2. Thanks for the tip! I think I'm going to go to a running store where they figure out the "proper" type of shoe that you should be running in based on your feet. So I'll make sure I mention the blisters.

    I'll let you know how shopping goes!
