
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A mid-week's break plans

The work week's only two days old and already I get a break. Well, mostly because I'm the weekend reporter. But still, a day off all to myself with no obligations. I can do whatever I want. So here's what I'm tentatively planning to do:

* A trip to the library. I have to return some stuff and I just might browse to see if anything else catches my eye.

* I think I might go and run in the park again. It's not supposed to be as windy as it was on Sunday, so maybe I'll actually be able to finish the entire 4-mile loop without having to turn around because it felt like I was running into a cement wall.

* I need to catch up with our friends on Grey's Anatomy. I missed last week's episode due to a birthday party. And of course I have to be caught up before Thursday night.

* I'll probably read a bit.

* And maybe waste some time putzing around on my computer. Or playing Roller Coaster Tycoon, a game I recently rediscovered.

Of course, this could all change the moment I get up and decide I want to do something completely different. But at this moment, that's what I'm guessing I'll probably do.

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