
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

You'll have to deal with Jack if you didn't work

I had to resort to using the temperamental VCR last night.

And for its sake, it better have worked.

See, I was on the phone when the clock started ticking down to 24. And anyone who watches Jack Bauer on a weekly basis knows that you have to give 24 your complete attention. Otherwise you'll miss something, like Jack saving the world or some nasty look on the terrorist's face. And because you missed those crucial seconds, you'll inevitably be lost. For the rest of the season.

My phone rang about 10 minutes before 24 came on. While I normally let phone calls go to voicemail during 24, I figured I had enough time to finish up the call before Jack Bauer graced my television screen.

I was wrong.

So as I'm talking, I'm heading over to the temperamental VCR, saying a prayer under my breath that it's going to decide to work. I popped in the tape, set the channel and hit record. The red light was blinking and it was making noise.

I got off the phone after about 10 minutes, but since I had already missed the first crucial 10 minutes and the red light was still blinking, I decided not to watch 24. Instead, choosing to watch it at a later date.

All I know is that the temperamental VCR better have done its job. And there better be some Jack Bauer goodness waiting for me when I finally get around to having time to watch it. Because if the temperamental VCR screwed up, it will be the last straw.

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