
Sunday, April 1, 2007

A tangled mess

After spending most of yesterday sacked out in my Lazy Boy reading while the raindrops fell, I need to do something today. As much as I like to read, two straight days of reading is a bit much for me.

And while my laundry and putzing around on the Internet has helped waste some of my time today, I'm looking forward to my dinner date with my mom, when I'll finally get to have Uno Chicago Grill.

But first, a laundry gripe. Other than finding out I don't have enough Tide to get me through my weekly laundry (meaning a trip to Target is in still shortly), I got irked today when I went to go switch my load of whites from the washer to the dryer and discovered a laundry basket full of dirty bras that I forgot to throw in the wash.

I'm telling you, my mind needs some stimulation today!

So I stuffed them into this mesh bag I have. I've used something like this for years now and haven't ever really had any problems. Until the most recent one I bought. It's a circular one and I should have know it was going to be trouble when the piping came out after the first wash.

Today, when the wash cycle finished, I opened the washer and was completely dismayed to find that somehow, the zipper had opened open and all of my bras came out. And of course, one of the bra clasps had hooked on the mesh, so all of the other bras were tangled around the hooked undergarment, creating a tangled mess that I had to sort out before throwing them back in the mesh bag and so I could toss them into the dryer (where they'll inevitably either re-tangle themselves, the zipper will come open again or they won't be completely dry after the dryer cycle).

I think I should just reinvest in a new mesh bag and cross my fingers it won't cause me the same headaches.

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