
Monday, April 30, 2007

Crossing stuff off and keeping tabs, it all adds up

I like to keep track of things.

On a daily basis, I like to write out a "To Do List," even including the mundane tasks I have to do at work each day. Things like "check the jail log" or "call the cops" or even larger tasks like finish my story that's running the next day. And as I accomplish a task, I get do cross it off and as I scribble it out, I feel good, like I've done something.

But it's not just day to day stuff I keep track of. I do it for other long-range stuff too.

I write down the books I've read each year. This year I even started keeping track of how many pages I've read. My wall calendar is full of little triangles on the date boxes. Triangles that signify the days I've either ventured to the YMCA or gone for an outdoor bike ride, run or walk.
It's that sense of accomplishment I get, either from crossing out tasks I've finished or keeping track of what books I've read this year. And that's probably why I started the next list.
A log of how far I've run this year.
It started out as just little notations on my calendar, but it's evolved into an Excel spreadsheet. One that adds up the mileage for me. Yes people, I actually figured out how to make the spreadsheet do the simple math for me!
Now that I've bragged out my spreadsheet making abilities, here's what I've got:
Miles run in 2007
January: 2
February: 15.2
March: 32.75
April: 48.62
Total miles in 2007: 98.57
Obviously, you can tell by the numbers that I rediscovered my gym-going habits sometime in February, which coincides with my decision to run the 5K in April. I was shooting for 50 miles this month and would have met the goal...if it hadn't decided to be cold and rainy out today.

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