It was very spring-like today. Temps in the lower 50s and at least an hour of daylight left when I got out of work at 5:30 p.m.
At some point this afternoon, while sitting at my desk, waiting for my phone to ring, I decided I was going to take advantage of the wonderful weather and take a nice walk when I got home. I decided on a walk because today was supposedly one of my "rest" days according to my 5K training program.
So I came home, threw on some work out gear, laced up a pair of running shoes and set out for a stroll. I had planned in advance where I wanted to go - to go check out some of the big houses on the lake that I live by.
I started walking. And it felt nice. The sun was out, it was warm, but not too warm. There was a bit of a spring in my step.
Then I turned the corner onto the side street that leads to the lake. And suddenly I found my steps getting fast until I broke out into a jog. And it felt good. So I kept jogging. At first I thought I'd just jog a little bit, until I made it back out on the main road and then I'd finish up with my walk. But when I got to the main road, it still felt good, so I kept on jogging. Down another side street, back to the main road and back onto another side street. I found myself back on the main road and my street was in sight. So I kept going until I made it back to my apartment.
I set out for a nice leisurely walk, but I ended up getting a decent 2.1 mile run in. Granted I don't think I set any records, but still, it felt good. Besides, it makes up for the 2 mile run I skipped out on Saturday.
Hopefully I'll still be able to get in my 2.25 mile run tomorrow without my legs feeling like lead!
Hooray! Good job!